Friday, July 24, 2020


Summer time is the time when you can enjoy  tender  fresh corn on the cob, glistening with butter and sprinkled with salt.

Growing up in the South, I could hardly wait for sweet corn to produce its first  ears  in summer.

Our family called sweet corn  roastener's, others refer to them as, corn on the cob either way is o.k.  I reckon because sweet corn is good no matter how you fix it .

Dad  planted his corn patch  as close to the house as possible, so he could  keep an eye on it,  for some reason birds and raccoons loved sweet corn about much as people, and if you weren't careful they would take more than their fair share when it got ripe

Mother liked fixing boiled and fried corn for the family, I for one couldn't get enough,when she made it

She fried corn more often than she boiled it, because  her and Dad hadn't  many front teeth left by then and it was challenging for them to bit corn from the cob.

Us kids didn't have any problems when we found ourselves face to face with a buttery  salted ear of corn, we were much  like a type writer zig-zaging back and forth across the ear  until it was  devoured.

My sister Shirley who is diseased now,  learned  corn frying form mother and  everyone said, Shirley's fried corn was as good as Mother's or maybe even better if that was possible.

Over the years as we had our family get together's Shirley was voted often, to fix her  tasty corn for a side dish.

A pan of  corn bread.....some fresh green beans with boiled potatoes..... ripe tomatoes.....sliced cucumbers.....fried or boiled corn.....will  get your taste buds cranking like no other food on the planet, if you're a country boy like me. 

Coleman Schell

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