Thursday, April 9, 2020


I have been young, and now I am old and I have never seen a time such as we are living in today.

In a matter of weeks, the skyscrapers have gone dim, many that work in them  work at home now.

 University's are silent ,pews are empty, weddings months in the making canceled.

Living seems to have stopped except in the hospitals, and first res-ponders professions, where even the workers there fight to keep themselves and others from dying.

Wars have taken a break it seems, no shots  or bombs exchanged on a large scale, our world seems to be on; pause.

Is there anyone who has the power to use a time such as this for a greater purpose? With so much pain and death and uncertainty going on and still be able to make something beautiful out of it?

Yes it happened once before. One person Jesus Christ , offering to give His own life, through pain and death to save the human race from a more deadly virus than COVID 19 the sin virus.

Our science  and medical  workers are tirelessly working day and night to find a cure for the COVID virus,, with little achievement so far.

If they were suddenly able to find  a cure for COVID 19, I can't imagine anyone rejecting it, Just as I can't  imagine anyone rejecting the only cure for the sin virus. which is away more deadly for our soul and body.

The cure for sin was discovered by God ? The God who made us, left Heaven and came to earth for the sole purpose of taking the 'virus' Himself, in order to produce its only Cure. 

And with His own blood, He paid the price in order to be able to offer the Cure to all, without cost. In effect, He took our illness, and in exchange gave us His life

Why would anyone reject the cure for either of these virus's , guess you'll have to ask them.

Coleman Schell

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